It being the desire of the populace of the Barony of Bright Hills to codify our traditions, our territorial boundaries and the requirements of office, we do hereby ordain and establish this charter, subject to the approval of the seneschal of the Kingdom of Atlantia and at the pleasure of Their Majesties.
The Populace
The populace of Bright Hills shall be defined as all those gentle folk who participate in the activities of the Barony of Bright Hills.
The populace of the Barony of Bright Hills is subject to all rules and laws as enacted by the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. the Kingdom of Atlantia and the Barony of Bright Hills, withstanding only the laws of the state of Maryland and of the United States of America.
Every member of the populace of the barony has the right to be treated with courtesy and respect. Every member may nominate any other member of the populace for an award. Any member of the populace may bear the badge of the barony on a shield, banner, garment or other appropriate fashion.
As specified in corpora and kingdom law, only paid members, residing within the territorial confines of the barony may be polled in regard to certain issues, among them selection of a Baron and Baroness. Great offices of the barony require paid membership, also.
The territory of Bright Hills shall be defined as those lands within the boundaries of four counties of Maryland. These four counties are Baltimore County, Carroll County, Cecil County and Harford County. This territory also includes the greater Baltimore city area.
Baronial Officers
The barony shall maintain a complete slate of baronial officers as required by corpora and kingdom law. All officers are responsible to the coronets and the kingdom superiors for all functions of their office as directed by corpora and kingdom law.
In accordance with kingdom law, the current officer shall be responsible for recommending his or her successor. (This should be a trained deputy.)
The Baron and Baroness
The Baron and Baroness of Bright Hills reign in the name of the crown and in accordance with the bylaws and corpora of the SCA, Inc. They are the ceremonial and titular heads of the barony and may, at their pleasure, reward members of the populace with any of the baronial awards.
The Baron and Baroness shall serve a three-year term. The Baron and Baroness may serve additional terms of two years, for a maximum of five years.
In the appropriate years, nominations for the new Baron and Baroness will be submitted to the seneschal to provide sufficient time to prepare for a polling as described in kingdom law.
Events or Meetings of the Populace
Official events or meetings are those which have been announced through publication in the appropriate newsletter.
Each event is organized by an autocrat. The prospective autocrat must first submit the appropriate bid form. Once the bid is accepted, the autocrat becomes the party responsible for the event, as defined by kingdom law.
The seneschal or duly appointed representative shall convene a meeting of the baronial officers at least once a month. The purpose of this meeting is to conduct routine business and to monitor the progress of key projects and activities. The meeting site shall be determined in advance and announced in the newsletter and by other appropriate means. The populace is welcomed and encouraged to attend all baronial meetings.
Each baronial officer holding a Great Office or a subsidiary officer has one vote on matters of business. Their number shall include the Baron and Baroness as voting members.
Voting officers are the following: Baron, Baroness, Seneschal, Chatelaine, Exchequer, Chronicler, Web Minister, Herald, Minister of Arts and Sciences, Knights Marshal, Minister of the Lists, (or in their absence their deputy). Subsidiary officers may be added, including their right to vote, as positions develop (Example: Chiurgeon, if the position is filled). In addition, Seneschals for any and all canton and colleges under the protection of the barony are considered voting officers.
Officers allowed by kingdom law to hold more than one office maintain only one vote.
In the event of a tie, the seneschal shall be considered to have two votes for the purpose of breaking the tie only.
The Barony of Bright Hills has devised awards to recognize the various and diverse efforts of the populace. These awards may be given at the pleasure of the Baron and Baroness. The awards for the Barony of Bright Hills are listed in Appendix A.
Disbursal of Funds
The baronial exchequer has the responsibility of maintaining and disbursing the funds of the barony as authorized by the Financial Policy of the Barony of the Bright Hills. Any request for disbursal of baronial monies shall be presented to the baronial officers at a baronial meeting. Following appropriate discussion, disbursal of the funds will be authorized by a majority vote of the attending officers. The exchequer will then release the approved amount from the baronial coffers in the prescribed manner.
Grievance Policy
The law of the Kingdom of Atlantia provides for the investigation of serious complaints.
Current and Traditional baronial awards, some of which are retired and/or inactive
- Augean Stables: For service above and beyond.
Field, on a mountain of three peaks couped argent, a decrescent sable
- Shell and Crescent: For Excellence in Arts and Sciences.
Fieldless, on an escallop inverted, a decresent argent
- Silver Scroll: For Excellence in Teaching.
Fieldless, on a mountain of three peaks couped sable, an open scroll fesswise argent
- Silberberg: For Excellence in Fighting and/or Teaching the Fighting Arts.
Fieldless, on a mountain of three peaks couped sable in fess, a gauntlet fesswise reversed and a gauntlet, argent
- Order of Job: For Long and Constant Service to the Barony.
Fieldless, on a mountain of three peaks couped sable, a moon in its plenitude argent
- Silver Oak Leaf: Children’s award for Contributions to the Barony.
Fieldless, on an oak leaf argent, a heart gules
Please see the heraldry page for additional awards.